John Doddato Fine Art Photography

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Colorado Night Sky

I made this image on a new moon night in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. It was the end of September and at that time of year the Milky way rises vertical in the sky a few hours after sunset. We were dry camping at an elevation of over 10,000’ and the air was clear and cool. I made a total of 24 exposures to make this image. I first made 12 exposures at f2.8 for 13 seconds, ISO 6400 of the night sky and then 12 dark frame exposures to record the sensor noise. I combined all these images in a software called Starry Landscape Stacker. In the processing of the image in Photoshop I used a blur technique to eliminate some of the stars to give more focus on the core of the Milky way. I love the times when I can get out in the night in nature and see the world differently than what we normally experience during our daytime living. We truly live in a beautiful world and we all need to remind ourselves to take the time and see the environment that was created for us. “ The heavens declare the glory of God” Ps. 19:1